
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
GTR-183 - First, Tune That Thang!
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 183
First, Tune That Thang!
After a wandering diatribe I eventually get to the topic of the day and discuss tuning. Real solid tuning! I talk about how to get an instrument in tune so it will withstand a severe beating and stay in tune. I talk about beats and the importance of clean unisons. I talk about string segments and "equalization of tension". I talk about sending Tony Fauci an invoice. I talk about potatoes, growing shitake mushrooms, chestnut trees, tending donkeys, and lots of other fun stuff.
Note: You will discover as you listen to my tale of Dixon's mandolin woes that (in this episode) I never revealed what what happening with his mandolin. We cured the tuning issue and that was a big part of it. The rest was the jangling strings between the bridge and his cast tailpiece. We cured that pretty quickly. See my eBook "The Mandolin Handbook".
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.

Monday Mar 01, 2021
GTR-182 That Ain't Bluegrass
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 182
That Ain't Bluegrass
In today's episode I discuss that most difficult topic of deciding just what is and what is not bluegrass. After a bit about what I think IS bluegrass, I take the easier route and play for you ten samples of what I think IS NOT bluegrass. Enjoy!
For all of you bass players or wannabee bass players, please take advantage of this 20% discount off my Complete Bluegrass Bass Learning System. Use coupon code "bass20" before March 7, 2021 and save a pile of bucks!
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
GTR-181 Bob Knysz Interview
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 181
Bob Knysz Interview
This episode will introduce you to one of the movers and shakers in the mandolin world. Bob Knysz is an accomplished bluegrass musician and is also a founder of the Atlanta Mandolin Orchestra.
We discuss his introduction to the mandolin, his experiences in the Chicago area, taking lessons from the great Jethro Burns, attending Bean Blossom, his relocation to Georgia, the beginnings of the South Eastern Bluegrass Association, the Atlanta Mandolin Orchestra, The Classical Mandolin Society of America, and his involvement with a number of bluegrass groups. I know you will enjoy meeting Bob Knysz.
For information about Bob and the Atlanta Mandolin Orchestra: http://www.atlantamandolins.com/
The episode also features a limited time discount on:
The Mandolin Treasure Chest
Use coupon code treasure20 to take 20% off through Feb. 20, 2021. This is a remarkable win-win-win offer. You win because you learn to play the mandolin! I win because I get your money and can buy dog food, hay, bacon, beer, biscuits (The Three Basic Food Groups) and chicken feed. And, in case you didn't know, Jared wins because he only gets paid for his fantastic announcements IF you actually purchase and use the coupon code. Help the guy out! We all win!
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
GTR-180 - Tony Williamson Interview
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 180
Tony Williamson Interview
Join me on this wide-ranging conversation with Tony Williamson. We discuss mandolin world addiction, mandolin family instruments, Bill Monroe and the "power pose", Union Grove, overalls, the Bluegrass Alliance, Grisman's porch, Harry Sparks, how a mandolin brought a man back from near death.
Then, the DGQ's first album, auditioning over the phone to play with Richard Greene, pie, flintknapping and archeology, and as if that were not enough, how a warehouse full of fine plastic guitars (made by Mario Maccaferri who also made Django's guitar) bankrolled Mandolin Central. This is a fun one and I know you will enjoy meeting Tony Williamson.
For Tony's website where you can get his music, watch videos, and drool over or purchase a fine, pre-war mandolin or mandolin family instrument. I encourage you to visit: http://www.mandolincentral.com/
The episode also features a limited time discount on:
The Mandolin Treasure Chest
Use coupon code treasure20 to take 20% off through Feb. 14, 2021. This is a remarkable win-win-win offer. You win because you learn to play the mandolin! I win because I get your money and can buy dog food, hay, bacon, beer, biscuits (The Three Basic Food Groups) and chicken feed. And, in case you didn't know, Jared wins because he only gets paid for his fantastic announcements IF you actually purchase and use the coupon code. Help the guy out! We all win!
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.
Happy ground hog day!!

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
GTR-179 Megan Chowning Interview
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 179
Megan Chowning Interview
I always enjoy swapping stories and notes with other teachers. But this is no ordinary teacher! In this episode you will meet champion fiddler, professional musician and teacher Megan Chowning. It is a long winding conversation with something for players of all levels and all instruments. A part of the discussion is about her involvement with some John Hartford print and recording projects. Use these links to find out more:
For Megan's "everything fiddle" & the John Hartford Fiddle Devices Cards: www.fiddlestar.com
About Megan's music camps: www.nashvilleacousticcamps.com
For John Hartford's music: www.johnhartford.com
Additional information regarding the music tracks you hear in the episode can be found on my show notes page here: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-179-show-notes.html You will also find an extensive explanation regarding my comparison of Lord Timothy Dexter, Esq. to John Hartford. Read and make of it as you will.
The episode also features a limited time discount on:
The Mandolin Treasure Chest
Use coupon code treasure20 to take 20% off through Feb. 14, 2021. This is a remarkable win-win-win offer. You win because you learn to play the mandolin! I win because I get your money and can buy dog food, hay, bacon, beer, biscuits (The Three Basic Food Groups) and chicken feed. And, in case you didn't know, Jared wins because he only gets paid for his fantastic announcements IF you actually purchase and use the coupon code. Help the guy out! We all win!
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
GTR-178 The Bluegrass Way of Life
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 178
The Bluegrass Way of Life
After a bit of talk about starting seeds for the garden and an Amateur Radio event, I bring you Heather's (see episode 177) response to my advice regarding my Personal Feedback Solution. The String Changing Exercise I speak of is available free over on my Patreon page. Here is a link: https://www.patreon.com/bradleylaird
Also, at the start of this episode, Mr. Buck again announces a nice discount on one of my instructional courses. For all of you bass players or wannabee bass players, please take advantage of this 20% discount off my Complete Bluegrass Bass Learning System. Use coupon code "bass20" before Jan. 31, 2021 and save a pile of bucks!
And, then I get into the heart of the matter. Just what is "the bluegrass way of life"? It's a long rambling discussion of the many ways which bluegrass can bring out the best in us. I hope you enjoy it and I appreciate your support for this podcast.
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.

Thursday Jan 07, 2021
GTR-177 Personal Feedback
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 177
Personal Feedback
Teaching yourself via online lessons, books and videos can be incomplete without the feedback from a teacher. In this episode I demonstrate my Personal Feedback Solution with Heather, a beginning mandolin student. Heather was kind enough to allow us all to be a "fly on the wall" for this session. I encourage you to take advantage of this too!
Also, at the start of this episode, Mr. Buck again announces a nice discount on one of my instructional courses. For all of you bass players or wannabee bass players, please take advantage of this 20% discount off my Complete Bluegrass Bass Learning System. Use coupon code "bass20" before Jan. 31, 2021 and save a pile of bucks!
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.

Saturday Dec 26, 2020
GTR-176 - In The Press Room
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 176
In The Press Room
I am taking a bit of a break from bluegrass in this post-Christmas week. This week I present the second episode of my "other" podcast, never released, just to help you fill your time. I hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas!
The episode also features a big discount on:
The Mandolin Treasure Chest
Use coupon code treasure20 at checkout to take 20% off through Dec. 31, 2020
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
GTR-175-In A Giving Mood
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 175
In A Giving Mood
In the spirit of Christmas I am in a giving mood. I have a hoard of freebies and discounts that I am tossing from my sleigh. I also discuss a super cool little Pick Pocket sent to me by Steven Mead, a listener to the show. Help me give away $1,000,000 worth of video lessons!
I even grew a Santa beard for the holidays! Merry Christmas!
The episode also features several discounts on my products:
The Christmas Songs For Mandolin eBook
Link for description or purchase: https://payhip.com/b/ebgP
Use coupon code save20christmas to take 20% off through Dec. 24, 2020
The Mandolin Treasure Chest
Use coupon code treasure20 to take 20% off through Dec. 30, 2020
FREE Salt Creek Video Mandolin Lesson
29 Minute video lesson + PDF with tab and standard notation + 2 practice tracks.
Use coupon code saltymando to take 100% off through Dec. 25, 2020
FREE Basic Setup Information for Banjo or Mandolin
These articles explain how to position your bridge and get tuned up and playing.
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
GTR-174 - Make Something
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 174
Make Something
This episode is meant to encourage you to try your hand at making something. Something that can be fun and useful to your bluegrass picking! I present 16 ideas to get your wheels turning.
The episode also features a 20% discount on two products if you act before Dec. 17, 2020:
The Christmas Songs For Mandolin eBook
Link for description or purchase: https://payhip.com/b/ebgP
Use coupon code save20christmas to take 20% off through Dec. 17, 2020
The Complete Banjo Learning System
Link for description or purchase: http://www.bradleylaird.com/dojo/buy-BLS.html
Use coupon code save20banjo to take 20% off through Dec. 17, 2020
If you like my podcast I hope you will keep this show going and growing by joining "the club" over on my Patreon page. Thank you, patrons!
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
My full website is located at http://www.bradleylaird.com. There you will find free lessons, free videos, jam tracks, full descriptions of all of my books, video lessons and courses... plenty to keep you busy.