Friday Jun 07, 2019
GTR-119 - Two Vital Tools
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 119
Two Vital Tools
This episode is a discussion of the two most important tools in playing bluegrass instruments. I suggest ways to think about them and ways to care for and improve them. Have fun.
Technical note: You'll hear a touch of "white noise" in the background at times but it is actually a gentle, much-needed rain coming down on the tin roof of my barn.
If this podcast helps you I hope you will keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter or you can join "the club" over on my Patreon page.
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-119-show-notes.html
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music.
Friday May 31, 2019
GTR-118 - To Plug or Not To Plug
Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 118
To Plug or Not To Plug
In this episode I discuss the pros and cons of electric amplification in the bluegrass world. I compare simply using microphones versus "plugging in" by using transducers, magnetic pickups, or internal mics.
I get into outboard gizmos like preamps, direct boxes, guitar amps, wireless rigs and effects devices and their usage in the bluegrass realm.
If this podcast helps you I hope you will keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter or you can join "the club" over on my Patreon page.
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-118-show-notes.html
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music.
Tuesday May 21, 2019
GTR-117 - Crutches & Training Wheels
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 117
Crutches and Training Wheels
Anyone who has ever sprained an ankle or broken a leg knows how valuable a crutch can be. Learning to ride a bike is made easier by using training wheels. But, eventually, you must throw them away!
In this episode I discuss the use and misuse of various crutches and training aids in learning, jamming and performing bluegrass. I hope you enjoy this episode.
I also give a quick shoutout to my Patreon supporters and my recent GrassTalkRadio supporters. Thanks friends! Without you this would not, could not happen. Thank you.
If these thoughts and ideas help you I hope you will keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter or you can join "the club" over on my Patreon page. Grab a cigar and glass on cognac on the way in.
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-117-show-notes.html
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music--my sister was once bitten by a moose. (Just checking if you actually read this stuff! Send me an email mentioning the moose bite so I get some feedback. Thanks.)
Wednesday May 15, 2019
GTR-116 - Motivations for Music
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 116
Motivations for Music
There are many reasons for picking up an instrument and trying to get some musical sounds out of it. In this episode, I present my theory that music is not about the sounds you make. That's just a part of it. It's about the people. The connections. The communication.
Maybe I am completely "full of it", in which case I encourage you to do your own thinking, but I do think you should give these ideas a bit of a spin in your own mind. Who knows? I might have said something that makes perfect sense.
I also give a shoutout to my Patreon supporters and my recent GrassTalkRadio supporters. Thanks guys and gals! Without you this would not, could not happen. Thank you.
If these thoughts and ideas help you I hope you will keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter or you can join "the club" over on my Patreon page.
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-116-show-notes.html
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music--one of many forms of music which are really about communication with your fellow man. (Or woman.) You know what I mean!
Monday May 13, 2019
GTR - Bonus 06 - Insert Coin, Press Play
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com Bonus Episode 06
Insert Coin, Press Play - In this short bonus episode I am asking for your assistance. I have created a Patreon page which makes it easy for you to help keep the wheels greased here at GrassTalkRadio headquarters.
Speaking of quarters, that's all it takes! You can probably dig around in the belly of your washing machine or under your driver's seat and find a handful of quarters. Fifty cents an episode (chump change) is only $2 a month. Do whatever your pocketbook allows.
If your power is about to be turned off, I don't want your money. But, on the other hand, if you are on your 3rd high dollar mandolin and the dividend checks just keep coming in, maybe you could chip in a bit more than the average bear.
If you think the show is worth listening to then I hope you will consider becoming a Patreon supporter. I shot a video explaining more and you can sign up here:
There is a video I made from my back porch which explains more on that page.
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play or are learning to play bluegrass--that form of music in which you must "save up to go on tour." (Quote from Seldom Scene mandolinist and tenor singer, John Duffey.)
Thursday May 09, 2019
GTR-115 - The Need For Speed
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 115
The Need For Speed
This past weekend I played a Kentucky Derby Party gig on bass with The Pluck Tones. That, and that screwy contested result, got me thinking about speed and the need for speed.
Then, out of the blue, I got an email from a fellow who stated he was struggling to keep up with the speed demons in his bluegrass jam. This podcast is a full response to his email with tips for how to keep up when the tempos get insanely fast.
If these thoughts and ideas help you I hope you will keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter.
You can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-115-show-notes.html
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music--the music which takes a mournful theme and sets it against a speedy, uplifting beat. Talk about juxtaposition!
Friday May 03, 2019
GTR-114 - Tie Up Loose Ends
Friday May 03, 2019
Friday May 03, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 114
Tie Up Loose Ends
In this episode I talk for a bit about my leap of faith in you and then I get on with a list of ten things you can do to tie up some loose ends.
There are always things awaiting your attention and perhaps today is the day to make your own list of 10 things that you have been meaning to do. Take care of them and, when you've checked off all 10, you'll sleep better that night.
You can help keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter. The question is: Will you? I hope that you will.
If you enjoy the show you can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-114-show-notes.html
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music–a participation sport which only survives through the activity of the fans who also play and sing it.
Friday Apr 26, 2019
GTR-113 - More to Life
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 113
More To Life Than Bluegrass
I intended this episode to be a short, 10 minute, explanation of why I couldn't put up a full length podcast today. I was going to talk about my bandwidth limitation struggles, etc. But, when I started I just got to talking about some things very important to me--and which I hope are important to you--and I just rambled on for 40 minutes.
Then I tried to upload it. It was TOO long. Should I wait until the first of the month? I don't want to wait for the reset of my upload space. So, I bit the bullet. Stuck the ol' Minie ball between the molars and clicked "upgrade". I am counting on YOU to help me make this podcast continue. I'll talk more about this later and explain how you can help. For now let me describe this episode:
This show talks about the broader world of music, how we learn, why you shouldn't stand to close to a raging flood going down a drainage ditch, and how there is more to life than bluegrass. I know. You thought I would never say that. I am the "bluegrass, bluegrass, BLUEGRASS!" guy. But, it's true. There are other things of equal importance. And some things (*sniff sniff*) that are more important.
I'll be back next week with a full-blown podcast to recap the Voices of the Valley concert which I will attend tonight and I will explain my leap of faith in you the listener.
Have a wonderful weekend and remember to stretch the rubber bars of your cage.
You can help keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter.
If you enjoy the show you can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-113-show-notes.html
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music. We love the people in the audience, and we love jammers, but this show is for the folks willing to stand up front, play and sing and consider the audience.
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
GTR-112 - Creative Thanks
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com - Episode 112
Creative Thanks
I set out this morning to answer some listener emails and I got to talking about a very thoughtful gift I received this week from a listener. I'll tell you all about it. I never got to those emails.
I also talk about automotive parking brakes, the old shareware days, my Egyptian hieroglyph font and a sweet little letter I got in the mail. The episode also includes a mini-review of McClung's mandolin arm rests and a Frank Ford pegwinder crank.
Take the time to do little things for the folks in your life who make your life better. Pick a dandelion and hand it to your wife and tell her she is beautiful. Stuff like that.
Pet a dog. Say something nice to a tree. Find the right kid and give him a walking liberty half dollar and tell him about how money used to be real silver! Give a promising picker one of those tortoise shell picks you've been hoarding. After you stop looking at your stock portfolio and checking your bank balance, these are the only things that are left that really count.
You can help keep this show going and growing by becoming a GrassTalkRadio Supporter.
If you enjoy the show you can also support what I am doing by visiting my online store at http://www.payhip.com/bradleylaird.
Additional information about the podcast is always found here on the episode show notes page: http://www.bradleylaird.com/podcast/episode-112-show-notes.html
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play bluegrass music. We bluegrass folks are very inventive.
Friday Apr 12, 2019
GTR - Bonus 05 - Bluegrass Bass Learning System
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
GrassTalkRadio.com Bonus Episode 05
Bluegrass Bass Learning System - In this bonus episode I announce the completion of a project 40 years in the making.
It can help you if you want to learn to be a better bass player or it can help that lousy bass player you suffer with. Do yourself a favor and point that dude or dudette to my course.
Read all about it on my own website here. Or, if you want to download it, just click here.
GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who play or are learning to play bluegrass--where carting a dog house bass around, and playing it well, is sometimes appreciated!